In The Press...

Photo Credit: Matthew Karas

Photo Credit: K. Chang

Photo Credit: Beatriz Schiller

Photo Credit: Rosalie O'Connor

Photo Credit: Kristen Miles

Photo Credi: Christopher Duggan
What They Have Said...
"...Another highlight of the evening was the athletic Kristen Foote...interpreting Isadora Duncan’s Revolutionary...Foote displayed remarkable strength, vitality and grace in this simple but powerful piece. That she could capture with each step and arm thrust the spirit of the October Revolution and spirit us, the audience, away to a Russia so distant in time and place, is a tribute to this remarkable young performer."
- Christopher Atamian 10/19/2009
Most Amazing Performers: "Kristen Foote of the Limón Dance Company: For her harrowing or joyful portrayals in excerpts from Donald McKayle’s Heartbeats and Limón’s There Is a Time"
-Wendy Perron 12/ 29/ 2010
Best of 2010 (Dance Magazine Blog)
"Ms. Foote... is marvelously versatile", "outstanding"
Alastair Macaulay ( New York Times) 03/8/2010
From the Limón Company, an Old-School Affirmation
"Kristen Foote ...emerged as its star[s]. 'Escape' gave us Foote, soft, powerful, and sexy as hell..."
The Afterlife
- Toby Tobias 03/8/2010
"the luminous Kristen Foote, who illustrated everything that’s wonderful about free, natural movement. Her long limbs, euphoric expression and joyous quality substantiated everything Isadora Duncan put forth about moving."
- Tim Martin (Views on Dance)
Kanji Segawa’s Dance Project New York and José Limón Dance Company
"Foote... moves with a kind of honesty and fullness (tinged with sweetness) that serves the choreography well. She is strong, direct, and communicates joy through movement, combined with a kind of quiet ecstasy in her face."
- The Faster Times 06/14/2011
Dancing Around: José Limón, Trisha Brown, and NYCB
"Ms. Foote offering an especially captivating performance. Here and in the two other works she brought an added dimension to her dances, offering a complexity that can be hard to find..."
- Claudia La Rocco (New York Times) 06/9/2011
Limón’s Spiritual Heights and Depths
"the dancing is joyous, with a tall, pliant Kristen Foote"
- Hilary Ostlere (Financial Times) 12/10/08
Limon Dance Company
"Kristen Foote's gorgeously fluid evocation of the youthful, spring-intoxicated Isadora"
- Deborah Jowitt (The Village Voice) 11/14/06
Here's To Life: A Dance Company Turns 60 Light Those Candles!
"Kristen Foote's bold, eager and warm performing was a highlight"
- Susan Reiter (Dance View Times) 09/27/04
The Ensemble As Star
"Isadora Duncan: running, skipping, twirling, with dramatic gestures. The skill of these solos lay in Limón’s phrasing, working around the music with marvelous timing, and in his grasp of Duncan’s rapture. Photographs and written accounts capture her joy in dancing in the open air; Ms. Foote, with her projection and absorption, seemed true to that spirit."
Stories Told With a Twirl Here and a Leap There: Downtown Dance Festival Dots Lower Manhattan
- Alastair Macaulay (New York Times) 08/13/ 2013
Keeping a Flame Burning for the Past, While Embracing the Future
- John Rockwell (New York Times) 11/16/06
José Limón dancers show historic range at Dallas’ Latino Cultural Center
- Margaret Putnum, Theater Jones 4/24/13
Dreams for the Women, Indians for the Men
- Jennifer Dunning (New York Times) 09/24/04